Future tense | 4 kinds of future tense
FUTURE TENSE Future tense In this tense we talk about the future in English. There are four (4) kinds of future tense. ( 1) Future indefinite tense. (2) Future continuous tense. (3) Future perfect tense. (4) Future perfect continuous tense. (Each tense has four kind of sentence) • positive • negative • interrogative • negative interrogative Now we will descuss about the each kind of future tense with detail. (1) Future indefinite tense. /// Rule/// ** the 1st form of the verb is use in this tense. ** for negative we place " not" after the will and shall. ** for inerrogative we use will and shall at the start of the sentence. ** for negative interrogative . first we use will/shall and then "not" is use after the subject. (*) Future indefinite ( positive). Method. (subject + will/shall+1st form of Verb+ object) Examples: • I shall go to Market. • she will go to Market. • they will play cricket. (**)...