
3 Kinds of VERB|7 kinds of verbs | Examples of verbs

THE VERBS:  Remember:》》》》》》》》 What is a verb? A verb is a word that tells or asserts something about a person or thing . Verb comes from the latin VERBUM , a word . It is so called because it is the most important word in a sentence.  A verb has three forms: =>      • present  • past  • past participal A verb has three kinds:=> *Transitive verb *Intransitive verb *Infinitives verb 《《《《 DEFINITIONS》》》》》》》 ///TRANSITIVE VERB:  Transitive mean ( passes over).  A verb is transitive if the action does not stop with doer but passes to an object.    EXAMPLE:  • The boy kicks the football.  In this sentence the verb ( kicks ) passes over from the doer or subject boy to object football. /// Intransitve verb///// (Intransitive mean not passing over) A verb is Intransitive when the action stop with doer or subject. EXAMPLE: • Boy laughs loudly.  The verb laughs stops with the doer or subject  boy and does not pass ove...

7 Types of Pronoun | Examples of pronouns

  7 Types of pronouns: Remember:》》》》》》》》》》》 Pronoun  is a word which is used to avoid the repetition of noun  or it is a word which is used instead of a noun. There are seven kinds of a pronoun.        ///// KINDS OF PRONOUNS////// • PERSONAL PRONOUN. • DISTRIBUTIVE PRONOUN. • DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN. • RELATIVE PRONOUN. • REFLEXIVE PRONOUN. • INDEFINITE PRONOUN. • INTERROGATIVE PRONOUN.                    //// DEFINITIONS/// • Personal pronoun. I   , we  , you  , he  ,  ( she  , it  ) are called personal pronouns because these words stand for the three persons,  (I) the person speaking ,               ( i  , we )  (ii) the person spoken to.              ( you ) (iii) the person spoken of.    ( he , she , they)  /// Forms of  personal pronouns/// 1st person:...

10 types of noun | Noun Case

10 TYPES OF NOUN: As we have already read that noun is a name of person .place. thing. Idea and Animal. It is used everywhere in writing and speaking. Now we will discuss its types with diffinition and examples: A noun has two general groups and different types:  =>>> Let's discuss the 10 types of noun:  《Major types or groups》   *Proper noun *Common noun   *proper noun:  A proper noun is a specific name for a particular person, place, or thing. Proper nouns are always capitalized in English, no matter where they fall in a sentence. example: ( Friday , Pakistan , London, Quaid-e-Azam ).  *Common noun:  A common noun is a name of general type or non specific person, place , animal or things. Example; ( night , chair , girl, planet )                  《More types of noun》   *Concrete noun   •Collective noun   *Gender noun   *Abstract noun...

8 Parts of speech | Examples | definitions.

      Parts of speech in English How many parts of speech are there in English? There are Eight parts of speech in english language. What does parts of speech mean? Durring the descution we speak different types of words . Every word is a part of speech. The term (part of speech ) refers to the role a word plays in a sentence.  What is a noun? 1. Noun:                         A noun is a word that names person, place, concept, or object. Basically, anything that names a “thing” is a noun (book. Bat. John. Tree). Nouns fall into two categories: (Common nouns and proper nouns). 2 types of noun:  Common nouns are general names for things.  Proper nouns are specific names for individual things.  10 Types of noun What is pronoun?  2. Pronouns:  Pronouns are the words we use intead for a noun. when the reader or listener knows which specific noun you are referring to. Example.“john...


  There are twenty six alphabets in english. these alphabets are devided into two catagories consonant and wovels.  wovels are five ( A. E . I . O. U ) and remaining twenty one alphabets are called consonant .  the wovels need to break the sounds that consonant make. so every word has to have a wovel not every word has to have a consonant. There are strings of consonant that are sometimes written like full words. e.g " hmm" these are just sounds rather than actual words .  wovel is a sound which is made by mouth aur throat without closing it at any point. on the other hand consonant is a sound that made with the air stopping one or more during the vocalization that means that at some point sound is stopped by teeth. lips. and toung.  sometimes the consonant letter "y" produce short "i" sound like "myth". in this word the letter "y" made a sound wit...

English grammar bank

10 types of noun | Noun Case


A star cluster that looks like a Christmas tree.

4 types of past tense | past tense

8 Parts of speech | Examples | definitions.

3 Tenses in English | 4 types of Present tense