What is a verb?
A verb is a word that tells or asserts something about a person or thing . Verb comes from the latin VERBUM , a word . It is so called because it is the most important word in a sentence.
A verb has three forms: =>
• present
• past
• past participal
A verb has three kinds:=>
*Transitive verb
*Intransitive verb
*Infinitives verb
《《《《 DEFINITIONS》》》》》》》
Transitive mean ( passes over).
A verb is transitive if the action does not stop with doer but passes to an object.
• The boy kicks the football.
In this sentence the verb ( kicks ) passes over from the doer or subject boy to object football.
/// Intransitve verb/////
(Intransitive mean not passing over)
A verb is Intransitive when the action stop with doer or subject.
• Boy laughs loudly.
The verb laughs stops with the doer or subject boy and does not pass over to an object .
So the verb laughs is , therefore , Called an ( Intransitive verb )
//// Infinitives/////
the use of ( to ) with first or base form of the verb is called Infinitives
• I have to write.
• you need to learn.
• I have to go.
In above sentence we use the word (to) before the verb ( write , learn , go )
{{ Conjugation of verb }}
Conjugation of verbs means showing their cheif forms.
From conjugation point of view , verbs may be classified into two forms , ( strong and weak)
* strong verb:
Strong verbs form the past tense by merely changing something inside . vowel in the original forms without adding anything to it:
(Blow to blew , break to broke , eat , ate ,)
* weak verb:
Weak verbs form their past tense by the adding of such suffixes as ""d"" , " ed " , " t " with or without bringing any change in the internal vowel of its original forms :
Like : }}}}}}}}
( love , loved and learn , learnt )
More detail of verbs:
⭐ Action verb.
⭐ Stative verb.
⭐ Base verb.
⭐ Transitive verb.
⭐ Intransitive verb.
⭐ Regular verb.
⭐ Irregular verb.
⭐ weak verb.
⭐ Strong verb.
⭐ Finite verb.
⭐ Infinite verb.
⭐ Linking verb.
⭐ Modal verb.
⭐ Auxiliary verb.
Diffinitions and Examples:
➡ Action verb:
This type of verb indicate that what the subject of the sentence is doing.
When the Action (work) is done by using the parts of body or tool is called Action verb.
♦ I drink water.
♦ She cooks food.
♦ john is playing .
( In these sentences the Actions " drink - cooks - playing - need movement to do so these are called Action verbs )
➡ Stative verb/ being verbs:
These verbs describe the state of being.
These are non-action verbs. This type of verb need no movement of the body to do any thing.
♦ I need some papers.
♦ john likes cricket.
♦ He is a student.
In these sentences "" need . likes. Is "" are used as a stative/ being words
➡ Base verb:
The present form of a Verb is called base verb. We can call it root verb
♦ I write a letter.
♦ He reads the story book.
♦ Do your class work.
( In these sentences verbs " Write - Reads - Do are used in their present form . so these are called base verb)
➡ Transitive verbs:
The verb is Transitive If the action does not stop with the doer but passes from the doer to an object . In a sentence with a transitive verb - someone or something receive the Action of the verb.
♦ He brought some rice.
♦ she killed a snake.
♦ Ali wrote a letter.
In these sentences ( brought ,killed,wrote) are Transitive verb .
These verbs passing to an object . If the objects are removed from the sentences remaining sentences can not give complete sense.
➡ Intransitive verbs:
The verbs are intransitive if the action stops with the doer and does not passes from the doer to an object.
They are different from the Transitive verbs. Because there is no direct object following an intransitive verb.
♦ I go.
♦ they are laughing.
♦ I sleep.
Note that in these sentences the verbs ( go , laughing , sleep ) give the complete sense without passing to an object.
➡ Regular verbs:
♦ Those verbs are regular who follow the most usual conjugation.
♦ Teacher called out my roll no.
♦ They played cricket yesterday.
♦ she killed a snake.
In these sentences the verbs ( called - played - killed ) are regular verbs.
➡ Irregular verbs:
If the verb has irregularity in term of following grammar rules are called irregular verb.
♦ she write a letter.
♦ john drive car.
♦ He always break his promise.
The verbs ( write , drive, break) are Irregular .
➡ Weak verbs:
Those verbs are weak If they require ( d , ed ) to form their past and past participle.
♦ load
♦ rub
♦ state
➡ Strong verbs:
If a verb forms its past tense by changing inside the vowel of the present tense without having ( d , ed , or t ) it is called a strong verb.
Some strong verbs form their past tense by changing the inner vowel and adding ( n , en ) in the past participle form.
♦ drink - drank
♦ come - came
♦ give - gave
♦ drive - drove - driven
♦ write - wrote - written
♦ give - gave - given
➡ Finite verbs:
It is the form of verb . Finite verbs are actual verbs. Finite verbs are performed by are reffer to the subject.
♦ Ali wrote a letter.
( in this sentence word "wrote " give us information that Ali performed the action in past )
♦ she cooks food .
♦ john is one of brilliant students.
( Here the " Verb" is directly refers to the Subject itself)
➡ Infinite verbs:
These verbs do not work as a verb in sentence because these are not actual verbs.
They work as a noun , adjective adverbs etc.
Infinitives , Gerund , participle are its form.
♦ He went Turkey to study. ( Infinitives)
♦ Smoking is not a good habit. ( Gerund)
♦ playing is his hobby. ( present participle )
➡ Linking verbs:
These verbs adds details about the subject and connect the subject to complement.
These verbs also called( be verbs)
" is .are. am . was .were"
Some other verbs those can work as a linking verbs are following .
( smell , sound , look , feel)
To know if they are linking verb replace them form of "be verbs" If sentence makes sense so it is a linking verb.
♦ It looks very pretty. ( it is very pretty ) note that "looks " is changed with " is " sentence sense is same.
♦ It seems delicious. ( It is delicious )
➡ Modal verbs:
Modal verbs indicate the ability , potentiality ,permission ,obligations , possibilities , etc .
This is the kind of a Auxiliary verbs.
( shall, will, should , would, can , could, may , must )
♦ you must pray for his success.
♦ you should go there .
♦ you ought to obey your parrents.
➡ Auxiliary verbs:
Auxiliary verbs help the main verbs so these are also called helping verbs.
These verbs are used in continuous and perfect tenses.
These verbs seem most similar to linking verbs but we should note that linking verbs work as main verbs in sentence but auxiliary verbs do not work as main verb . these helps main verbs.
♦ john is going to market.
♦ there are some children are playing in the ground there.
♦ I am drinking water.
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