
What are articles? Kinds of articles|Types of articles

 What are articles? Articles are words that define a noun as specific or unspecific. Consider the following examples: After the long day, the cup of tea tasted particularly good. By using the article the, we’ve shown that it was one specific day that was long and one specific cup of tea that tasted good. After a long day, a cup of tea tastes particularly good. By using the article a, we’ve created a general statement, implying that any cup of tea would taste good after any long day. Here’s a tip: Want to make sure your writing shines? Grammarly can check your spelling and save you from grammar and punctuation mistakes. It even proofreads your text, so your work is extra polished wherever you write.  The definite article The definite article is the word the. It limits the meaning of a noun to one particular thing. For example, your friend might ask, “Are you going to the party this weekend?” The definite article tells you that your friend is referring to a specific party that b...


Definition of voice:   It is the form of verb which is used to say what the subject does or what happens to the subject.   It has two kinds. (1) Active voice (2) Passive voice Active voice:  Definition:    A verb in the active voice form shows that the person or thing perform some action or the subject is active. Moreover Active voice describes a sentence where subject performs the some Action. Examples: ➡ I have bought a book. ➡ She write a letter. ➡ He will not speak this.  Passive voice:  Definition:  A verb in the passive voice shows that the some action is done to the person or thing denoted by the subject.  In active voice sentences ,the subject is no longer active. Example:  ➡A book has been bought by me. ➡A is written by her. ➡This will not be spoken by him. Rules::: When we change active voice into passive voice . We made following changes.  (1) The Subject of a active voice changes into object. (2)  " by " i...

Future tense | 4 kinds of future tense

  FUTURE TENSE Future tense  In this tense we talk about the future in English.   There are four (4) kinds of future tense. ( 1) Future indefinite tense. (2) Future continuous tense. (3) Future perfect tense. (4) Future perfect continuous tense. (Each tense has four kind of sentence) •  positive •  negative •  interrogative •  negative interrogative Now we will descuss about the each kind of future tense with detail. (1) Future indefinite tense. /// Rule/// ** the 1st form of the verb is use in this tense. ** for negative we place " not"  after the will and shall. ** for inerrogative we use will and shall at the start of the sentence. ** for negative interrogative . first we use will/shall and then "not" is use after the subject. (*) Future indefinite ( positive). Method. (subject + will/shall+1st form of Verb+ object) Examples: •  I shall go to Market. •  she will go to Market. •  they will play cricket. (**)...

4 types of past tense | past tense

        PAST TENSE Past tense . 4 types of past tense   [A past tense is used to indicate an action completed in the past ] Past tense has four types.   ///Four types of past tense///          (1) Past indefinite  tense (2) Past continuous tense (3) Past perfect tense (4) Past perfect continuous tense   ///// Past indefinite tense /////   [ This tense informs us about the happenings. When happened in the past ]  { Types of sentence } ∆ past indefinite  ( positive )  ∆ Past indefinite  (negative ) ∆ past indefinite  ( interrogative )  ∆ past indefinite  ( negative interrogative )  /// Rules/// •  in this tense we use 2nd form of the verb. •  for negative sentence we use  ( did not) and use Ist form of the verb.  •  for interrogative sentence we use did at the start of the sentence and then use Ist form of the verb. •   for negative interrogativ...

3 Tenses in English | 4 types of Present tense

///Tenses in English/// [ The word tense comes from the Latin word  tempus , its mean time ]  The tense of a verb shows the time of an action or event:  There are three tenses in English and each tense has four types:  There are following  three tenses in English:  •  present  •  past  •  future    ///Tenses recognition/// (1)  Present tense:  In this tense A verb that refers to present time is said to be in the present tense.  e.g:   ( I go ,   he writes ,  i love )  •  Past tense:  A verb that refers to past time is said to be in the Past tense:  e.g:    ( I went ,  he wrote , i loved )  •  Future tense:  In future  tense A verb that refers to future time is said to be in the Future tense:  e.g:    ( i shall go ,  he will write , I shall love )  ///Types of tenses/// [TYPES OF PRESENT TENSE] •  Pre...

English grammar bank

10 types of noun | Noun Case


A star cluster that looks like a Christmas tree.

4 types of past tense | past tense

8 Parts of speech | Examples | definitions.

3 Tenses in English | 4 types of Present tense