Science 100 Top MCQ's
1 : TB is caused by a particular type of germ is called.................
Ans: Bacteria
2 : The inflammatory condition of the liver is called........................
Ans: Hipatites
3 : In which food most of the calcium is found?
Ans: Milk
4 : what is the cause of polio?
Ans : Virus
5 : Human is the example of .............
Ans : Omnivores
6 : Food pyramid is divided into...........
Ans : 6 groups
7 : The smallest particle of matter is.
Ans : Atom
8 : Thermometer is an instrument which is used for measuring .................
Ans : Temperature
9 : The liquid thing in thermometer is called ...................
Ans : Mercury
10 : When a body changes its position, it is called ................
Ans : Motion
11 : Material through which current can pass are called .........
Ans: Conductor
12: ................ is an example of simple matchine.
Ans: Stapler
13: The second largest mine of natural salt in the is located.................
Ans: Khewra
14: Renewable energy can be generated from .
Ans: Wind
15 : Protecting natural resources is called......
Ans: Conservation
16: The average long duration condition of weather is called ...............
Ans: Climate
17: Which instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure?
Ans: Barometer
18: The earth is divided into two equal parts by ..................
Ans: Equator
19: Which zone of Earth receives verticle sun rays?
Ans: Tropical
20: In how many zones the Earth is divided on the basis of climate?
Ans: 3
21: The climate of the region of polar zone is..............
Ans: extremly cold
22: The diameter of the Earth is ................
Ans: 12,800 KM
23: Which planet is closest to the sun?
Ans : Mercury
24: What is supernova?
Ans: A dying star
25: Commets revolve around .....................
Ans: Sun
26: Which is the fifth largest planet in our solar system?
Ans: Earth
27: The Mars has ..........moons.
Ans: 2
28: The group of stars is called ..............
Ans : Constellation
29: The hottest planet of the solar system is .
Ans: Venus
30: The revolution of earth around the sun is called ...............Earth.
Ans: Orbital motion
31: The light from the sun reaches the earth in ................
Ans: 8 Minutes
32: Leap year consists of ........................days.
Ans: 366
33: Ancient people believed that the earth was;
Ans: Flat
34: ............... protests us from infection;
Ans: Skin
35: Which organ pumps the blood to the whole body?
Ans: Heart
36: Heart is protected by ..............
Ans: Ribs
37: Locomotion is ........... of a body.
Ans: Motion
38: Pupa is transformed into ..........................
Ans: Adult
39: Which part of plants produces seed?
Ans: Fruit
40: classification of animals and plants is called...................
Ans: Taxanomy
41: Vertibrates are further classified into........major groups.
Ans: Five
42: During germination , seed absorbs water through its..........................
Ans: Micropyle
43: Thongs around us make our...............
Ans: Environment
44: Sound can not travel through .
Ans: Vaccuum
45: Speed of sound in Iron is ....
Ans: 5130 m/s
46: Sound is kind of .........
Ans: Energy
47: Lighting is due to ..............
Ans: Static charge
48: Compass will always point towards. ......
Ans: North - South
49: Thickness of inner core of earth is about...................
Ans: 1250KM
50: The Inner core of the Earth is made up of ..........................
Ans: Iron
51: Thickness of outer core of earth is about...................................
Ans: 2250 KM
52: About how many percent of water is frozen in the form of glaciers?
Ans: 2%
53: Sputnik-1 was launched by ............
Ans: Soviet Union
54: Natural satelite of Earth is ................
Ans: Moon
55: The Jupiter has ......... moons.
Ans: 79
56: which force opposes motion?
Ans: Friction
57: The rate of doing work is called :
Ans : Power
58: The unit of power is ...........
Ans: Watt
59: .................of an object does not remain the same everywhere.
Ans: Weight
60: Which is the most important part of the cell.
Ans: Nucleus
61: In the eye, sensory cells are located on...
Ans: Retina
62: The optic nerves behind the retina take signals to the...........................
Ans: Brain
63: What is sclera?
Ans: White part of eye
64: Smallest cells present in human body are..........................
Ans: Sperm cell
65: The control room of our body is ..........
Ans: Brain
66: The most sensitive part of our eye is...
Ans: Lens
67: The living things are called the ..............
Ans: Biotic Components.
68: Non living things are called ........
Ans: Abiotic components
69: An animal that kills and eats predator is called .
Ans : prey
70: Carbon as diamond is used in .......
Ans: Jewelry
71: Mixture of sand and water can be easily separated by:
Ans: Filtration
72: Oxygen is not neccessary for ................
Ans: Photosenthesis
73: On cooling, a liquid will be changed in to........................
Ans: Solid
74: Process of burning under presence of oxygen is known as .......................
Ans: Combustion
75 : The lowest layer of atmosphere is .......
Ans: Troposphere
76: Moving air is called.
Ans: Wind
77: The term Aqua means...........
Ans: Water
78: Heat and light is the form of ............. energy.
Ans: Kinetic
79: Collection of rays is called ................
Ans: Beam
80: The pitch of sound depends on .........
Ans: Frequency
81: Enzymes that digest fats are known as ...................
Ans: Lipase
82: Mechanical breakdown of food is due to ............................
Ans: Chewing
83: Proteins are Converted into..................
Ans: Amino Acids
84: Which is the largest part of Alimentary canal?
Ans: Small Intestine
85: which one in the breathing system is called the sound box?
Ans: Larynx
86: The opening of the trachea is called the ..............................
Ans: glottis
87: The human body is made of ...................
Ans: trillion cells
88: Hemoglobin is the combination of ..........
Ans: Proteins and Iron
89: The smallest blood vessels in the body are........................
Ans: Capillaries
90: Insulin is a chemical that is produced in...
Ans: Pancreas
91: Ovary , style and stigma are the part of ....
Ans: Carpel
92: Male sex cell is called ..........................
Ans: Sperm
93: Those animals which active during at day are called ...................
Ans: diurnal
94: Those animals which active during at night are called ...................
Ans: Nocturnal animals
95: Warm air rises because of ...............
Ans: Conviction
96: Which part if the brain is the largest part of the brain?
Ans: Fore brain
97: Heart beat is controlled by.......................
Ans: Medulla oblongata
98: The outer surface of Kidney ...................
Ans: Convex
99: Chromosomes are made up of ................
Ans: DNA and Protein
100 : Ultraviolet radiations from Sun that reach the earth cause........................
Ans: Skin Cancer
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